.ewkc is a cloister of sorts. My day was composed of simple movements from the single room and studio. It all seems so practical yet full of details.
Preparing and working to find flow. Resting three or more times today; stopping to eat then taking time to read, connect with home, cat nap and or stretch.
Over the past three days I’ve started to set up a rough full scale structure using pipes, string and interfacing, paper or thin sheet of packaging foam, for the panels. Slowing building an awareness and presence. For here the details can arise.
Learned direct frontal approach is most striking. Viewing the ‘straight edge outer skin’ hung parallel with the room’s walls gives the viewer a contextual norm. The translucency hints at an inner layer or something beyond expectation.
If the viewer first encounters the opening “V” inner skin, the funnel sucks any perception of layered mystery. As well, the non-parallel panel is jarring, unwelcoming; initiating resistance.
Light from behind, is essential. The studio receives morning light, offering directional source. Keep coming back to how a simulation of time would be sweet.
Hoping contact at Philips for LED lighting will yield a source for an innovative lighting solution.
Each night so far, I finally sleep a jet lag fitful rest until hearing early birds and seeing the soft dawn light.
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